Karl Lagerfeld: Iconic Bathrooms

Karl Lagerfeld: Iconic Bathrooms

According to many accounts, iconic designer Karl Lagerfeld arrived in Paris in the 1950s from his native Hamburg, but lived in more than twenty residences in Paris, Rome, Brittany, Monaco, Berlin, Biarritz, and even a nineteenth-century house in Vermont, to mention a few.

“The well-furnished mind of Karl Lagerfeld needed an ever-changing stage. He seemed to reinvent himself through his homes,” according to fashion critic Cathy Horyn. Lagerfeld created the interiors, sometimes with the aid of interior designer friends, such as Andrée Putman or Christian Liaigre.

Seen here is a wood-paneled bathroom with a spiral staircase that leads to a bedroom above; it is from one of Lagerfeld’s apartments in Rome, where he and Putman once mixed her objects with Fortuny fabric and furniture from the Wiener Werkstätte.
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